What is The Cost of Microblading? What Are the Alternatives?

If you're longing for thicker, fuller brows, you’ve probably come across microblading at some point. This semi-permanent procedure can make your brows look filled in without any makeup.

Whether you have naturally thin brows or you accidentally overplucked them (we’ve all been there), microblading is an excellent solution for creating your dream look. However, for those people who don't like the idea of microblading, there are some alternatives to achieve fuller brows.

If you have any questions about microblading, we're going to give you all the answers and information you need. You’ll find out exactly what the process entails and if it is the right option for you. We’ll also go over the other options you can consider to get fuller brows. Let’s dive in!

Microblading 101

Microblading is essentially like a tattoo, but it is only semi-permanent. The process creates the appearance of having more brow hairs. You can change the shape of your brows and make them look naturally fuller. Many people are getting their brows microbladed now, and it has quickly become the most popular type of cosmetic makeup.

The procedure creates small cuts in your brows and fills them with pigment. The cuts come from tiny needles that are stroked through your brows and only impact the upper layers of skin. A normal tattoo places the pigment much deeper into the skin, making it permanent. A microblading tool also applies finer lines than a tattoo gun does.

Is Microblading Painful?

Depending on where you go, you may get a numbing cream to make the procedure a more comfortable experience. You can ask the microblading professional before your appointment if they use numbing cream. If you don't get numbing cream, microblading can be painful, similar to a tattoo.

If you have low pain tolerance, you may want to go to a place where you will be numbed beforehand. However, even if you are numb, you will still feel pressure and may experience minor discomfort during the procedure.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Microblading?

There are several benefits, risks , and other things to consider when it comes to microblading. We are going to weigh the pros and cons for you to help you decide if it's for you.

Pros Of Microblading

Fuller Brows: The point of microblading is getting fuller brows in the shape that you desire. If you have always had thin and straight-shaped brows, microblading can give you the thicker arched brows you've always wanted. The process gives you the appearance of perfect brows that won't wash off at the end of the day.

Immediate Results: Microblading gives you immediate results. There's not a lot of downtime and you don’t have to hide your face so you can recover. You can go about your normal life almost immediately after.

Faster Morning Routine: If you're like most people, you probably want the maximum amount of sleep in the morning. After microblading, you will have to do one less step in your makeup routine. Instead of spending time filling in the bald spots in your brows, you can sleep for an extra ten minutes.

Cons Of Microblading

Itching And Discomfort: When you are healing, the cuts will scab and shed a few times. During this time, your skin is going to feel itchy. Whatever you do, don't want to scratch your brows! You can get an ointment for the itching to make it more bearable. Your brows will also look a lot darker than you desire due to the scabbing. After several weeks your brows will look like your natural shade.

No Water: You can't go swimming, allow the shower to run over your face, or wash your face properly for a week. Since the cuts will scab over and fall off, water will hurt the healing process by moistening them. If you wear makeup, you may need to invest in makeup wipes and other forms of makeup remover to clean your face.

Still Need To Tint: The microblading process can make big improvements, but your brows may not be perfect right away. For instance, if you usually tint your brows, you may still need to do it even after getting microbladed.

Allergic Reaction: Even though it's rare, it's possible to be allergic to the ink. You may end up with an itchy rash if this is the case. If you have an allergic reaction, you may need to get a steroid shot or antihistamines.

Microblading Pre-Care

There are several things you can do to make sure your body is ready for the procedure. Stay away from alcohol and caffeine for two days. You also don't want to take pain medicine like aspirin or Advil. All these things can thin your blood and may cause you to bleed more, which is not ideal.

You should also stop using Retin-A or retinols for a week before your appointment. These can cause the color to fade prematurely. Even if you don't use it before and start using it again 30 days after the procedure, you may still speed up the pigment fading.

You also want to avoid anything that will lead to sweating the day of the procedure since it opens up your pores. You should also avoid tanning prior to microblading. If you show up with a tan or sunburn on your face, you may even have to reschedule. The pigment in your brows will fade as your skin peels from tanning or a sunburn.

If you have any blemishes near your brows, you may have to wait until they have healed before you can get microblading. This rule also applies to cold sores. There are other things you may want to avoid before microblading, so make sure you talk to your technician before the procedure to get the complete list.

Microblading Post-Care

After the procedure, you want to keep the area clean and avoid using any products with fragrance on your face. Make sure your brows are dry before applying ointment to help with recovery.

Avoid rubbing, scratching, or picking at the brows as they heal. If you pick at your scabs, you can cause scarring and pigment loss. You also want to avoid direct sun and tanning beds after the procedure. The sun can cause the pigment to change color as well as causing hyperpigmentation and scarring. Even after you are fully healed, try to use sunblock when in the sun to protect your final results.

You can't do workouts or things that cause sweating for a full ten days after the procedure. The sweating expels the pigment, which will mess up your final result. Just like with the pre-care, make sure you ask the person doing your microblading for the complete list of things to do and what to avoid post-procedure.

What Is the Cost of Microblading and How Long Does It Last?

How much you pay for microblading will depend on the place you go, but it can vary greatly. It can cost anywhere from $300-$2,000. The cost usually includes a follow-up appointment, which is essential. You need to go back six to eight weeks after your first appointment.

In the second session, the technician will go over any areas they may have missed. It can be difficult to fill all the spots once swelling starts, so the second session ensures you’re happy with the overall shape and color.

Your final results will usually last between 12 and 30 months, depending on your skin type. If you have oily skin, your may notice your pigment doesn't last as long. Additionally, if you don't follow all the aftercare tips, your brows will fade faster. Once you notice it starting to fade, you can go in for touchups.

Typically people go in for touchups every six months to 12 months, depending on your preferred look. If you don't go in for touchups, you may have to get the whole procedure done over again. It's more cost-effective to pay for a touchup than it is to wait and pay for both brows to be fully filled again.

Microblading Alternatives

If microblading doesn't seem like the right fit for you, there are several other options to get fuller brows that are more cost-effective and less painful.


This alternative involves small dots of pigment versus complete tattooed lines. Instead of creating the appearance of more brow hair, microshading fills in the entire brow using a fine-tipped needle. Some procedures involve both microblading and microshading, but you can get one or the other.

The procedure can cost anywhere from $300 to $1000, depending on where you go. The results can last longer than microblading and are ideal for people with sensitive and oily skin types.

Brow Lamination​

Brow lamination is essentially a perm for your brows. A solution is applied to straighten out unruly or thinning brows. This alternative is a growing trend, with the feathery brow look that’s popular right now. The service is much more affordable than microblading or microshading. It only costs $50 to $100, but the results only last four to six weeks.

You can achieve a laminated look using TatBrow Ultra Hold Gel . It can slick your brows up and hold them in place all day without any noticeable residue.

Eyebrow Tinting​

Eyebrow tinting is a service that dyes your brow hair. The tint is applied to your brows for 10 to 15 minutes and then cleaned off. After you get it done, you can't get your brows wet for 24 hours. It creates a fuller effect for those with lighter brows. Brow tinting usually costs about $20 and typically needs to be redone every six to eight weeks.

Microblade Pen​

If you want a temporary solution that can be used daily, try the TatBrow Microblade Pen . It creates the illusion of more brow hairs thanks to the innovative fork tip. You simply make short strokes with the pen to fill in the sparse areas of your brows. It will look like you have naturally fuller brows . The product is waterproof and lasts 24 hours.

Brow Growth Serum

Consider a brow serum to help grow more brow hairs. This option takes longer, but you can end up with fuller brows naturally. TatBrow Enhancement Serum can restore your brows regardless of your age, gender, or health. It will encourage the hair to grow by strengthening hair-producing cells in the hair follicle, and it also attracts new ones. Our groundbreaking formula is made with skin-safe ingredients that are naturally sourced.

Microblading Takeaways

Microblading can be an excellent option for someone who wants semi-permanent brows. It can last a long time depending on your skin type, but it is one of the more expensive options when it comes to brows. There are many other alternatives to microblading, like TatBrow's Microblade Pen , which can give you the same results as microblading at a much more affordable price.


How Safe is Microblading? Risks, What to Expect and More | Web MD

How Long Does Microblading Last? | Healthline

Microblading - Everything You Need To Know About The Semi-Permanent Eyebrow Treatment | Elle

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